
Ditch the Kibble! 

At 16PawsUp Veterinary Clinic, they would like to become known for their holistic approach to veterinary care, and a big component of caring for pets is creating healthy, home-cooked nutrition for animals. This training helps to provide awareness of basic aspects of home cooking for dogs to clients just beginning this journey. 

Articulate Storyline 360, Well-Said Labs, Canva

View the various project components by clicking the links below:

Design Document

Workplace Invention Disclosure Process

To inform all new and returning employees of about the Invention Disclosure Process at 16PawsUp. These requirements are imperative to the functionality of 16PawsUp as many of its employees are solving problems in new and innovative ways that require documentation 

Articulate Rise, Canva

View the various project components by clicking the links below:
Design Document

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